
Sep 1, 2008

Baby ticker & baby astrology officially removed today. Hmmm..emang kayaknya gw belom boleh pasang gitu2an dulu sebelum lewat 3 bulan, yeap it's my second time having a miscarriage, which off course miraculously i had let it go, maybe God had another plan for me, i do believe it's a better one.
I don't think i have to tell about the curretrae procedure, it's bad enough to made my ass scrunched. Not to mention about the nurse had me ANAL-lized (literally, she just give this medication and shove it down in my ass...i feel used!!!heheheheee), well it numbed the pain but i had this bloody tissue went out when i peed, and for the rest of the night..that's another story, the med effect went out and replaced by this non stop 12 hour of agonizing pain. How about the anesthesia? it was injected, feeling afterwards? 2 days of drowsiness, next time I'll go for the gas one, it was better..waaaaay better.
So after the injections here n there, i started to feel that my skin is perforated.

Dear God, please take care of my babies in heaven and please if you already decided to believe that we can be a good parents for the baby, then please send us a set..twins would be nice :)
And i do believe, you have a better plan for us, perhaps a change of career?